A notice was posted on the door as I entered Chipotle this week. It warned me that that chicken was currently available as their transportation system […]
“Meetings are usually toxic because they often convey an abysmally small amount of information per minute”.[1] Have you ever felt this way? Having sat through many […]
My news feed is filled with articles that provide easy answers. Do these headlines sound familiar? Seven steps to solving workplace conflict Three things that will change your life […]
This week I asked someone a rather simple question: “Is your future singular or plural?” At first glance, it appears to be a rather innocent sentence. […]
4 Things Star Wars Teaches Us About Cross-Cultural Leadership As a professor I often tell my students that we will engage in learning and teaching together. […]
Today’s guest post is from Dr. Philip Foster. You can learn more about him and his work below. _________ Recently I read an article from The Verge by Rich […]
Some of my most interesting insights are gleaned from real-life. Like orange trees (see The Tale of the Orange and the Lemon Tree)! This week an orange […]
When I ask people to define effective leadership I get a wide array of answers. However, they often share a common them and it is something called change. […]
The Kodak story reminds us that ongoing organizational success is earned and cannot be assumed. Once heralded as the global leaders in photography, their inability to […]